Great read John. In my lifetime, I saw the mighty Delaware River, declared a “dead river” in the early’60’s rebound to the beautiful, much cleaner river that it is today. Nature can heal, if given the chance…in this case the Clean Water Act of 1964. If it can be done with a freshwater river, it can be done to our oceans. But that will take a massive cooperative effort by all of the countries of the world. I hope that we can make that commitment. Cheers.

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Indeed, it can. Possibly, like most other big issues, it also comes down to being realistic about solutions. Technology can provide cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternatives to replace outdated systems and products. This fact, however, threatens the norm and causes dumb "solutions" to be put in place. I really don't think banning plastic bags or straws did anything for the "problems" they were trying to address.

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